Mt. Adams during sunrise. Copyright Zed Zha.
Articles/Videos about Zed
Racism in Medical Education
Public Lecture at Dartmouth College
The Nocturnists Storytelling
On November 4, 2023, during the storytelling event hosted by the Nocturnists and the Bellevue Literary Review, Zed went on the stage of the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre in New York City to tell the story of her thieving mother. Well, the story of an ice cream for her thieving mother, to be exact. And so, so much more.
Who Is Providing Maternal Healthcare in Rural America?
If you want to know about the time when Zed delivered a baby as Wonder Woman, you won’t want to miss edCentral’s Suzanne Mooney’s article in the section of Clinician Profiles!
The Academic Life podcast episode: Where is Home?: A Discussion with Zed Zha
When Zed came to the United States for her education, she faced barriers to medical school admission and financial aid, and to establishing a sense of belonging. Then unexpectedly, she found the feeling of “home” in rural New Hampshire. Dr. Zha joins Dr. Christina Gessler to share her blog post Where is Home? and to take us through her journey to her life now as a doctor in rural America, focused on underserved patients.
UpWorthy: Mom 'stole' her daughter back from adoption center after she was misdiagnosed with brain damage
Based on my viral tweet and blog post, UpWorthy amplifies the following story: “I was misdiagnosed with brain damage at birth & put up for adoption. My mother climbed over the walls of the facility & stole me out. “Your only child will be stupid.” They said when they caught her. She signed the papers. My mother gave me life twice. I give her everything I am. “
Prosperous Doc® podcast: Full Scope Primary Medical Care in Rural America
Podcast host Shane Tenny, CFP®, talks to Dr. Zed Zha, MD, about her work in a rural eastern Washington State farming community of 8,500, where the predominant population is made up of Spanish-speaking and Indigenous-speaking residents.
KevinMD podcast: Stop financially handicapping non-citizen physicians
After jumping over multiple extra hurdles to prove myself throughout my medical career, I couldn’t help but feel I have been handicapped financially compared to my non-immigrant colleagues. While others are being celebrated for bridging the healthcare gap in rural areas, I have been “punished” to a later start in life.
Provider Spotlight-Research in Primary Care
Nov, 2021
Columbia Basin Health Association highlights Zed’s contribution to research and teaching in rural primary care.
Zed's Passion for Patient Care
August 20, 2021
Every patient that walks through our doors has a different story, whether it’s a scary combination of TB and COVID-19, or just a simple cold.
Othello Doctor’s New App Helps Care for Babies
July 16, 2020
Columbia Basin Herald news article on Zed’s mobile app for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
Mayo-Franciscan Resident Presses to Improve Homeless Health Care
Jan 29, 2019
La Crosse Tribune on Zed’s work on caring for the homeless in La Crosse, Wisconsin
Young Teacher Undergoes Unexpected Open-Heart Surgery
February 9, 2018
News8000.com reporting on Zed diagnosing a young woman with undetected life-threatening heart disease.
Reflections on My Elective in Tanzania
May 19, 2016
Dartmouth Center for Health Equity published Zed’s reflection of her global health experience.
Spreading Sunshine and Love in China
March 15, 2014
Dartmouth News on Zed’s work in founding the first student-run free clinic in China.
September 10, 2013
New York Times - China news coverage on Zed’s work in founding the first student-run free clinic in China, and her outreach efforts to Beijing’s homeless population.
Street Medicine Founder Calls Geisel Students to Embark on a Journey
February 5, 2013
Dartmouth news covers Zed’s work on student-run free clinics and homeless medicine, interviewed along side Dr.James Withers, founder and leader of the international Street Medicine movement.