Recent Features: Racism in Medical Education

Dartmouth College, 2/6/2025

The Rabbi Marshall Meyer Great Issues Lecture on Social Justice

Co-sponsored by the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, The Tucker Center for a Spiritual and Ethical Life, and the Jewish Studies Program. Made possible by a gift from Marina and Andrew Lewin '81.

Future Events: American Academy of Family Physicians

Anaheim, California, 10/5 - 10/9/2025, FMX

Skin Infestations: lecture and problem-based learning

Skin Microscopy: lab

Zed’s Areas of Expertise


  • Dermatology for Primary Care

  • Skin Infestations

  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa

  • Skin of Color

Medical History and Culture:

  • Racism

  • Misogyny/Sexism

  • Gaslighting/Patient Blaming

  • Other forms of systemic oppression such as anti-fatness, attacks on DEI efforts, attacks on reproductive rights, etc

Past Speaking/Teaching Engagements

As a medical culture critic and feminist patient advocate, I am invested in continuing the conversation. Human to human.

If you have a collaboration idea, let me know!